
As of Today I am A Proud Member Of The United States Air Force!

Today I swore into the United States Air Force. I made a huge decision today that will affect the next 6 years of my life and quite possibly the rest of my life at that. I have many reasons for joining the military so, before you make you make an asinine judgment call, read on. I believe in God, I believe in this country, I believe in Our President and I am honored and blessed to have the opportunity to serve this country. I have been thinking about this for a long time and I have been to the recruiter offices of the Army, Navy and Air Force. As you know, I was in a bad accident in 2003 and I have a metal plate in my arm. Because of this I have always been told I would not be able to serve. Well I just put it behind me and went on to do other things, I was at work at Tru-green recently, and a recruiter for the Navy called. I decided I would meet with him. It didn’t sound too bad but I still needed to think it over. I talked to only a few choice people, mostly former Navy and Air Force members. I decided to get more info on the Air Force. I went early the next week and spoke to my local Air Force recruiter and that was it. I know this is what I have to do. The military will give me some more discipline and that is something I crave. If you know me well or anything about how I was raised you will know that this is something that I want. I have been in the Midwest for 6 years now and what an awesome 6 years it has been…But I have known it is time to go for a while now. I have been through so many crazy things in the past 6 years I could write a book. If I was a good writer…I would actually think about it. Anyhow I need to clear my head and I need to get away…not run away. Please do not misunderstand. I have never run away from any problem I have ever had and I have handled some big ones. So please before you judge me and tell me that I am running away to get away from a past relationship that did not go like I wanted it to….YOU ARE WRONG! Yes I have been heart broken. Haven’t we all a time or two? I have no remorse and if I wanted to run away or get away and start a new life so to speak the last place I would think to do it is the military. The best things that I got in my 6 years here in the Midwest are the friends that I have made. If you know me, you either know or have heard of my friend Beau. We have been roommates on and off for the past 5 years and he is like a brother to me and always will be. I feel like I am a part of his family and I love all of them with all of my heart. Josh Cox…You got me through my times at HAC times being alone and kept me sane and we actually had fun. You never judged me and never put me down when other people made their judgment calls and stupid remarks. I am not going to start naming everyone because I will forget someone. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, and plus I am posting this on the internet the world will see it. I would like to take this time to let everyone know that I am thankful to everyone who has ever believed in me and even the people that haven’t. To my friends…Thank you for letting me be a part of your life, I will make you proud. To my enemies, thank you for motivating me. J Ok seriously. I am not a great blogger so I will not keep going. I just wanted to make my official announcement and also just clear the air on a few things. Keep in touch with me please and if you pray….Keep me in your prayers.

Your friend,
Julio C. Medina

P.S. Please send me a message with your addresses so that I can write you while I am away. Do not post it on here obviously for privacy issues.

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