March 29th 2003 @ 3:29pm (ironic?) I was in a horrible car accident. I thought I was dead. I was in the hospital for 6 days. I am reminded of this day everyday. I have a plate in my arm. The doctors told me that I would never have full use of my arm. It was rough for the first 2 years and I was weak. Within the last year I have had full use of my left arm and it is stronger than ever! (Did you get your tickets to the gun show yet???) (= Just kidding but really God has blessed me and 4 years ago today God spared my life for a reason and He has shown me little by little why He did. I know that I don't always live like I should but that is between me and God and I thank him everyday for The people and the circumstances in My life over the past 24 years. I realize now more than ever that life is way too short; I read a great poem over Christmas/New Years of 06 It said.....
Life is too short
Grudges are a perfect waste of happiness
Laugh when you can
Apologize when you should
And let go of what you can't change
Love deeply and forgive quickly
Take chances, Give everything
And have no regrets
Life is too short to be unhappy
You have to take the good with the bad
Smile when you're sad
Love what you've got and remember what you had
Always forgive but never forget
Learn from your mistakes but never regret
People change and things go wrong
But always remember life goes on
Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets
So love the people who treat you right
Forget the ones who don't
And believe that everything happens for a reason
If you get a chance, take it
If it changes your life, let it
Nobody said that it would be easy
They just promised that it would be worth it.
I had a good amount of time at the end of 2006 to really just get by myself and find out just who I was and what I am made of. I am nothing without the Grace of God. And to any of you that prayed/ Pray for me. You are the reason I can say what I am right now. Thank You.I hope that in someway you can look back in your life and remember a time I was there for you and maybe even helped you. If you cant maybe I can in the future. I dont want to be well known, I am not after riches, I just want to help people and know that as insignificant life can seem at times, If I help one person in my lifetime be a better person, I made a difference in this world. I am everyone's friend but I don't let many people get close to me and I like it that way so…
"So love the people who treat you right
Forget the ones who don't"
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. To handle yourself use your head; to handle others use your heart. Anger is only one letter short of danger. If someone betrays you once, it's their fault; if they betray twice it your fault. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss small events; small minds discuss people. He, who loses money, loses much; he who loses a friend loses much more; he who loses faith loses all. ..Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art. learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself. Friends you and me… brought another friend ….and then there were three…we started a group….our circle of friends…and like that circle…there is no beginning or end….yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that's why they call it the present -UNKNOWN
Julio C. Medina
P.S. If you didnt see the pictures...I put them in a bulletin/Slideshow
03.29.03 @ 3:29pm
Posted by
Julio Medina
3/29/2007 07:11:00 AM
Labels: 03.29.07, Julio Medina
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Wow, that was really good. I saw your blog off of Josh Cox's so.... Hey:-)
Kina Fink
Dude, friends are a hard thing to find nowadays. It is great to have people that you KNOW will always be there for you. Thanks for being a friend that tells the truth to another friend. These are things that will stay with me for a lifetime. When I speak of my TRUE friends of a lifetime, you are on my very short list. Thanks for being a crazy Latino...RIP, turtles (what were their names again?)
Hey Kina thanks for your comment and Josh Thanks, You too. I always know who to go to if I need a reality check. They were Leonardo and Donatello! Hahahaha just thinking about that tank on the floor of our room cracks me up.
What cracks me up is that you actually read about how to properly care for your pet turtles! That was the best room ever! What about Lawrence the trumpet player that was our roommate during the summer?
This made me laugh....Kemp sent me a pic today....he was wearing my State Champions hoodie that I wore like 6 days a week while I was at college. I left it up there when I legacy continues at HAC!!!!
Here is a good one....Remember when we started the shave your head trend in the fall??
That made me look so fat! It was so easy to maintain though! Remember Shaun Minnix's first month at Tru-Green? Do you remember his last month? WOW!
Do you remember Sang-Hee playing his clarinet (I think) in the room? I tried my best not to laugh at him! He thought he was playing Amazing was hilarious!
Julio....what's up buddy. I remeber after that happened; and how the Bible was the only thing that made it out ok besides you...crazy. have fun up there and tell Kemp I said hello. Suddenly you get married and it's like youre on an island.
Haha yeah I will pass that thing down to my kids someday, Good to hear from you too. I always remember siting in that back row eating candy during chapel with you. Also I got my planner from wilson leather because of you, I have used that thing for everything now for 3 years in a row
Yeah I still have my brown planner, although I don't use it at all now. Hey man, remember those last few weeks of school how frantic I was getting b/c I had like 600 D's and was just waiting to get called down on it and not graduate? Those were some crazy days...I can remember sitting back there with you, trying to duck down so Highfill or Borsh didn't see man! the memories just start flooding back. They really could've made a great TV show about our lives in college and the things we all did.
Yeah, talk about "Christian entertainment" we had it at HAC! They would need to edit a lot of content in order for it to be labeled "Christian" though;)
I don't think "edit" would quite describe it.
True, it would be funny though!
Julio...are you ever getting out of there and graduating or what man? How much do you have left? And how much worse has it gotten?
Was this leaving Crestwood? And I seem to remember you having a close call in your blue rocket, well at least I remember racing home from work and seeing that huge dent in your drivers door. We should have all gone to jail for wreckless endangerment. I can't believe what we did just to shave 5 minutes off our drive home.
Hahaha can you imagine a tv show of HAC? There really would not even be a need for a script, Just follow people around for a day. :)
Yeah I was leaving work on a saturday when that happened. I know we used to drive pretty crazy lol. But when this happened I was not driving crazy...Just an unfortunate event. It was unbelieveable. When you think about the fact that we were racing back to the college (those times we would speed back) It makes no sense. lol
No I am not there anymore.There comes a point where you should just stop. I hit that point. I started a real estate business. I have 4 rental houses in gary and I am flipping a couple in hammond. I am moving back east (CT) in august. I have been in the midwest waaaayyy to long. Everything happens for a reason I guess.
Actually, Steve, he's going to move to NC in August...he just doesn't know it yet.
Hey, Jules, I talked to Mike Cuicci today! I had a question about square footage. I talked to him for like 10 minutes. He seems to be doing well. He said they gave him a really good sales rep, but he's a bit of a basket-case. Anyway, that brought back some good memories.
Chris Hjelm a.k.a. the Anti-Christ is responsible for baby-sitting this guy!
Julio....look me up if you need any help man. Remember- I work in the mortgage industry. email if you need my phone #.
talk to you later buddy!
Julio, update your blog!
Wow! That was well said! You left footprints on my heart -- that's for sure! Don't worry, they were good ones :-) I won't give away all of your secrets from kindergarten!
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