
The McRib is Back.

It`s baaaaaack. I am not a fan of McDonald`s crap in the first place but there are a few things there that are simply tasty. For Instance the McRib sandwich, I think that the way they market this tasty little treat is such a genius way of marketing. They only have it at certain times of the year so that when it is there it causes tons of excitement....Like me for instance blogging about it - LOL But think about the excitment that comes around when they bring monopoly back. Everyone is guilty of getting excited as they get that wet on the outside soft drink and see those 2 green stickers just waiting to be peeled off for the chance at ONE MILLLLLLION DOLLARS!! and if you failed to win there you still ave 2 more chances if you got a salty box of fries.... hahaha

Other than the taste though there is absolutely nothing good about the sandwich itself -
McRib Nutritional Info:
490 calories, 220 calories from fat, 25 g fat, 8 g saturated fat, 75 mg cholesterol, 1040 mg sodium, 44 g carbohydrates, 2 g fiber, 24 g protein, 11 g sugars.

If that does not scare you away...http://www.foodfacts.info/mcrib/- That will. The pictures of the sandwich "deconstructed" are enough to make you want to vomit.

I still don`t car I think it`s a great sandwich. The only thing that is better than the mcRib is a sandwich with the same type structure from a little hole in the wall bbq place called Hog Wild. I think it`s in Midlothian, IL so if you are ever around there go get it. And their Oven Browns are to die for.

P.S. I generally would choose Burger King over McDonald's. - Just Preference. (They are both terrible) - McDonald's takes the market though by having 24 hours places for all those late nights of fun. ;) - Good ole Mcdoogals.



Chad said...

I agree with you 100% on all counts! McD's is gross, and if I had to choose it would be BK in a heart beat. Of course I had to get the $.59 cheeseburgers yesterday. Wanted to barf when I was done!

Chris Settlemoir said...

You only wanted to barf because you had 10 of them. Take a breather! But also i agree Go BK

Julio Medina said...

LOL! Chad I did the same thing. I hate to eat it but for .49 cents you cant pass it up ( I am a hamburger eater.) The BK by my house here has it every tuesday. Just another reason why they are better. HAHA

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