
Daddy`s Got A New Pair Of Shoes...

I just won this pair of New Authentic Robert Wayne shoes off eBay they are normally between $100.00 and $175.00 and I got them for $56.47 Tell me what you think about them. I am into the pointy square toe right now...These are obviously not "Dress" shoes but I will wear them with a Nice pair of Low Rise Boot Cut Jeans and a T-shirt and Blazer. So what do you think? Be honest I am not easily offended so don`t be shy...


Anonymous said...

If you want me to be honest, they look like hardwood flooring.

Julio Medina said...

Hahahahahaha....LOL!!! Ok. Yes I want Honesty...Keep it coming people. Thanks Josh, I respect your opinion. I will take pictures when I have them on though and you will think they are cool.

lilbilly said...

Wow. Now dem are some shoes...looks like a mix between a cowboy boot and the wooden clogs from Holland!

Allyn Paul said...

You're not gonna believe this, but I actually like them. I agree, the right jeans and a blazer, and you're assured to take her home when the bar closes down!
Trust me, bro, clean teeth, well-groomed finger nails and nice shoes is all it takes.

Julio Medina said...

Woot Woot! Thanks Big AL!

Steve..LOL! They are very different. LOL So is a cowboy in wooden clogs. Thanks for the input peeps...keep it coming

Design.by.Kina said...


GS said...

I saw that same pair at the swap-o-rama.

Allyn Paul said...

Hoooles...please, I hafta see the actual ones on you, broseph!
Let's see a followup post eh?

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