Bonds: Man who bought record-breaking home run ball is an 'idiot'
September 19, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Barry Bonds said the man who bought his 756th home run ball and announced plans to let the public decide its fate is an "idiot."
Fashion designer Marc Ecko had the winning bid Saturday in the online auction for the ball that Bonds hit last month to break Hank Aaron's record of 755 home runs. The final selling price was $752,467, well above most predictions.
Ecko, 35, has set up a Web site that lets visitors vote on three options for the ball: give it to the National Baseball Hall of Fame, brand it with an asterisk before sending it to Cooperstown or blast it into space on a rocket ship.
The asterisk would suggest that Bonds' record is tainted by alleged steroid use. The Giants slugger has denied knowingly using performance-enhancing drugs.
"All of those options don't weigh anything," Bonds told the San Francisco Chronicle on Tuesday night in Phoenix. "In baseball, that number (756) stands."
Bonds said Ecko could have found a better way to spend three-quarters of a million dollars.
"He's stupid. He's an idiot," Bonds said. "He spent $750,000 on the ball and that's what he's doing with it? What he's doing is stupid."
Ecko did not directly respond to Bonds' comments Wednesday, but said in a statement he would make Bonds a custom T-shirt that says, "Marc Ecko paid $752,467 for my ball, and all I got was this 'stupid' T-shirt."'
Ecko plans to announce what he will do with No. 756 after voting ends Sept. 25.
Ben Padnos, the California entrepreneur who submitted the $186,750 winning bid on Bonds' record-tying 755th home run ball, said Tuesday he also plans to have the public vote on what to do with it.
Wow! I can`t say that I am shocked with the Behavior of Barry Bonds, I have another Blog about other people in Sports lately as well. I will say this IMHO I would never pay $752,467 for a baseball...I do not care how big of a fan I am or how much money I have. But lets just say I do have an extra $752,467 laying around in my safe. I would not in a million years waste it on a baseball hit by a disgrace to the MLB. It`s a tainted baseball that belongs to a tainted record. Blah Blah to your "Talent" Mr. 756. Alex Rodriguez is going to pass you up and more than likely at a younger age too. But OK lets put the steroid use behind us and move on. How about showing your fan base some RESPECT. How in the world do you have the audacity to come out and make a public statement that the fan that bought that ball is an "idiot"? The only thing that Makes Marc Ecko (A True Success in his own industry) is the fact that he wasted his time being the fan of an Arrogant, Cheating, Manipulative, Over Paid Baseball Player with the voice a Pubescent teenage boy! Just Listen Here.....
If I were Marc Ecko after hearing that statement from Barry Bonds I would exploit Mr. Bonds worse than MTV exploited Brittney Spears last week at the VMA`s. How? I would probably take the ball and send it to Micheal Vick to use as a chew toy for one of his pitbulls that are in training and then have OJ Simpson go steal it back for me when Vick`s Dog Loses the fight! LOL!! On a serious note I just think that it is a shame to hear the statement made....I really do Hope Marc Ecko makes a line of clothing dedicated to exposing Bonds as a cheater and Steroid Abuser. I am not an Ecko fan but I sure would buy a T-Shirt that's for sure. What he does with it is his business....Oh and to add fuel to the fire on Bonds...If you have ever played any MLB video games you will notice that Barry Bonds is never in the games....He will not endorse them because he does not want people to use his name or be able to "play" as him. Well to be honest with you...I do not play video games that often anyway but I would not want to be him anyway. e does not belong in MLB 2k games He belongs in A WWF game with all the other HGH addicts. Enough said! What are your opinions?
Roid Rage or Just not knowing how to treat fans?
Posted by
Julio Medina
9/19/2007 09:27:00 PM
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This is the whole reason I love Barry Bonds! He has heard your blog all through his career! How he is a cheater, how he is arrogant, how he is concieted, how he is not in video games and disrespects the fans, how much of a jerk he is, and the list goes on and on! I love him for what he does to the baseball on the field! Did he use stereroids, hell ya! I dont care if they use kool~aid, so long as i can watch that moon shot to McCovey Cove! I love watching HomeRuns and baseball in general. They all cheat! I knew that since I saw that one pitcher try to quickly toss sand paper out of his back pocket in the middle of a baseball game when he was being questioned by the umpiring crew. When i asked my dad what the hell was going on he let me know all players cheat or try and get an edge! I was 10 and i realized that! BaseBall, Football, basketball, sports, its entertainment that i pay too watch. I want to see home runs and all the numbers that r being shatterd by Bonds! I dont care what these guys are on ! They are human like u and me! We want an edge, and all my co~workers do shady stuff to get an edge in their field to make more money, so what if baseball players do too! So what if Barry Bonds wants to act all stuck up, its his life, his money, his time, his attitude, he dont care! I just want to be able to come home from work and turn on SportsCenter, in which i pay 50 bucks a month for, and see him or any other ballplayer for that matter crank out those moon shots that are sooooo breathteaking as u watch them soar out of the park! You go to a baseball game now a days its 20 bucks to park, anywhere from 60-100bucks for a decent seat, 5bucks for a beer, 4bucks for a hot dog, 5bucks for a soda, before you know it you have spent close to 300 bucks by the 7th inning! With all this money i am spending somebody better hit a couple of home runs! Barry Bonds has done it time and time again! Weather you love him or hate him he is gonna display his amazing talent for baseball and thats what I "PAY" for! You wanna see baseball at its purist form with no cheaters? You wanna see baseball being played as its purpose, as a pure American game and past time? You wanna see baseball played just for the fun of it? I see it every nite on my way home as I drive through Blue Island and all the Public parks filled with kids playing organized baseball. Those are the real baseball games and those kids are the ones that deserve for u to cheer for them. Try it. Go to a local park, sometimes the games are at nite or during the day. They are everywhere! Thats Baseball at its purist....its free, parking is free, hot dogs are a buck, soda is a buck, but the best part is hearing a bunch a kids just play and yell "Hey batta..batta..batta..batta..batta...SAAWIIING!!" And that my friend is worth way more than the AMAZING RECORD BREAKING "756 Home Run" BALL.
Danny, I respect what you are saying because you are a Barry Bonds Fan. I also think that you opinion then becomes a partial opinion leaning toward Barry because of how much I know you support him. He needs fans like you because since he is busy treating the rest of the pack like crap...He still needs that core base. I agree that Baseball in it`s purest form is that of innocent kids just having fun...But those kids look up to someone like a Barry Bonds because that's the way we (our generation) have setup our society...We have made idols out of people with Money,Power and Certain Accomplishments under their belt...You said it yourself. You are a fan just because of "What he can do to the Ball" With his Talent comes responsibility and weather he wants it or not a position of leadership...So if his leadership style is to Cut down his followers as he did Mark Ecko then that MY Friend is #1 not a leader and in my opinion a sorry excuse for a personality in the "American Spotlight" I don`t care about the steroid use...You are right they all do it`s just a matter of who gets caught...But it still taints his record. My blog was not in regards to his steroid use anyway...It was about his lack of people skills as a man put in the limelight. I am not only attacking Barry...Stay tuned for my next Blog about why Brittney Spears, OJ Simpson and Micheal Vick are my Heroes.
Kids know the difference! I was a kid and knew these guys are cheatng. I had posters and idolized them but thats it! Its not his responsiblity to be a leader. People are idiots for making these athletes leaders in their minds. They are entertainers!! Just like actors musicians, they just are for entertainment. Not only that they are human like you and me, with the same issues in life. People just think because they have a whole bunch of money they are automatically "leaders" and have some sort of responsibility to the public. No they dont. Thats why Bonds acts the way he does. He does his job makes his money and flips u off! And people are jealous of it! He has every rite to live any way he wants and he does..............thats why I love Barry Bonds.
Danny, Being an "Entertainer" is no excuse for poor behavior to the public. (We could go on forever) I will end it with this..If it is "OK" and just because he is Human just like you and me...Does not justify a thing. Bottom line..IMHO that is the same cavalier attitude that made it OK for OJ to Kill his wife and get away with murder...He was an entertainer too...Does that make murder acceptable? Micheal Vick...An entertainer. I`m done here. Look forward to my next blog on sports...
Well There was no win or lose and I always get the last word. So sure you can win but I sir am right. ;)
Oh boy...Barry Bonds. I do not like Barry Bonds. Just like the majority of others. I wouldn't buy that ball or any ball for that price no matter who hit the home run. Obviously Bond's is upset that Ecko is in a sense disrespecting Bonds because of what he is doing WITH the ball. He's not calling him and "idiot" because he bought the ball. He's calling him an "idiot" because he bought the ball just to disrespect bonds with what he does with it. I think Ecko has right to do whatever he'd like with the ball and Bonds has every right to voice his usual ignorant opinions. Baseball is more than hitting a home run. People don't watch baseball to see home runs. People watch the game to see their TEAM WIN. Baseball is not about 1 player on a team. It's about a group of guys striving together to accomplish something great. A World Series Championship. They are not entertainers. I don't go to a movie and root for the actor in the movie. I don't go to a concert and root for the singer. I go to those things to be entertained. I go to a game or watch a game to root for my team to win. Most of us have an emotional attachment to a team. We usually root for and follow a select team through our childhood. This is baseball. It's much more than simple entertainment. Some people wait their entire lives to see their team just make it to the World Series. To those people it's much more than entertainment. All of those home runs Bonds hits and his team still has the 3rd longest streak without a World Series Championship. About the whole steroid and cheating thing. Maybe I'm an optimist, but not EVERYONE cheats. I'm sure their are a lot of guys who do though. My thing is if you get caught, than just admit it. Don't be an ass (ala Bonds).
I agree. I believe tons of them use steroids and other substances, Great point about the following a team too. Your comment was very well thought out. I am not saying that the issue with Bonds is even his use of the steriods...It`s simply the way he treats other people....Hence the title of my post."Roid Rage or Just not knowing how to treat fans?"
I think Barry Bonds could be in the top five all-time greatest baseball players to ever play the game. I DO think he is a liar. I DO hope Mark Echo launches the ball into space....or the asterisk. Either on will do.
The number one problem with Bonds is the way he treats others. He is the most difficult athlete for anyone to enterview. I could care less how good he is....he's an idiot.
My Sentiments Exactly! I am not discrediting his runs Steroids or not.Simply his people skills...
Tisk tisk... Bonds is still the man. Sports is for my entertainment period. Thats why I appreciate him and what he does on the field. I root for actors and when i go to a concert i root and cheer and hollar just like when im at the game. People watch and like whoever they choose. If you have some deep emotional attachment to the team and thats why u watch, thats great! Bottom line is no matter how u look at it its all entertainment. I have the same emotional attachment to Barry Bonds because I have watched him since i was a kid and i have been watching and admiring him ever since. Baseball is more than just watching and waiting for the world championship. I watch stats, who's leading in Home Runs, hits, strike outs, average, and more. But thats me, it takes my mind off the stresses of life and gives me something to look for and enjoy. We can blog about him for dayz.....instead this is my last line I LOVE BARRY BONDS! Everybody hates him and he dont care. Thats why he is my hero!
What a selfish only for himself. But "he don't care." What a pathetic way to live.
Exactly. Can you imagine if every human being thought that same way? Just cause you CAN does not always man you SHOULD nor does it make it ACCEPTABLE in our society...
Hey Josh, tell that to Barry's bank account.
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