
I need some ideas....

I need some good ideas.I am going to a few different Halloween parties and I still have no clue what to do for a costume.Give some of your thoughts....


Design.by.Kina said...

So, Mr.Getting.Ready.For.Bootcamp... go as Super Man with your newly toned muscles;) lol

Anonymous said...

Go as Barak Obama.....you kinda resemble him.

Julio Medina said...

LOL! Kina, Your answer gave me a little ego boost and Josh your comment brought it right back down. LOL!!! J/k Thanks for the ideas. I asked the same question on Myspace and I someone said I should go as A-Rod or Andy Pettitt.

Bonds756 said...

Go as a box of condoms!!!

Trish said...

I'm with Josh and Sarah on this one -- you could def. pull off Obama.

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