

www.juliomedina.com has been taken for years by a Spanish actor named Julio Medina. I was always mad every time I went to check it out. LOL Well I decided to check again and it was an expired domain!!So I went Godaddy.com (I prefer them for domain and hosting services) and I registered it right away. I did not get any hosting for it yet. I am actually not going to be doing anything with it till I am out of Basic Training but I am so happy that I got it that I needed to post this and throw in a little ad for Godaddy.com too ;) I`ll let you know when it`s up and going


Trish said...

That's GREAT!

Design.by.Kina said...

HaHa, you're destined for fame:) lol

New blogname:



Julio Medina said...
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Julio Medina said...

LOL! K.F, I was destined for fame long before I bought the domain name...You just don`t even know... ;)

Anonymous said...

It's true, KF. I lived with him......destined for fame.....but very ticklish. lol

timothylutes.com said...

Josh, keep your love life a secret!

Just forward juliomedina.com to your blog like I did with timothylutes.com going to my blog. That's what's cool about godaddy, you can do temporary forwards.

David said...

Awesome on getting your domain. Hopefully you will benefit from backlinks to the former owner :-)

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